Our Pastor

Rev. John Seidu Lachana was born in Ghana to Police parents on February 8th, 1965 in Bolgatanga, Upper East Region, Ghana. After just one year in the north, he would spend his childhood years in the south, specifically the Eastern Region of Ghana. He was the second of four siblings. He was brought up in a very strict and disciplined environment. Even though his parents were not Christians at that time they made sure he attended church with his siblings. He was also enrolled in Catholic School where he had all his elementary and high school education.
At age 13, his second year in high school, his father died which changed the entire dynamics of his family leaving him with a poor mother who had to struggle to make sure he completed school. His dear Mom of blessed memory passed away recently a happy and fulfilled woman.
Rev. John Lachana’s dream to become a Medical Doctor was short lived after his high school and Advanced Level education. At the age of 18 he was known to be attached to so many men of God who took so much interest in him including the renowned Archbishop Nicholas Duncan-Williams and his wife of the Christian Action Faith Ministries. In fact he was known among his peers as the ‘Friend of the Pastors’. He received his calling at age 19 in 1985 in Accra and was literary shipped to Nigeria because he tried everything to run from the call. And for the fact that he was to have his training in Nigeria made him more resistant. By January 21st, 1986 less than a month to his 20th birthday he was in the Bible College and Seminary in Lagos, Nigeria on a scholarship from a rich Nigerian Businessman. This new environment which he detested so much would become his second home for a long time - the beginning of a New Era. He received his Diploma in Theology and Practical Ministry after 3 and 4years respectively in addition to the school’s overall Prestigious Best Student Award.
Rev. Lachana was ordained in 1991 after three years of practical and ministerial service in the Eastern part of Nigeria. He planted one and pastored two more churches within that period. He was transferred to Lagos to pastor the Church of the Lord (Church of Antioch) in Lagos, Nigeria. God used him wonderfully during these 3-glorious years in Lagos including a completion and dedication of a cathedral style church edifice, his name engraved in a marble plaque at the main entrance of the church in appreciation to a total dedication and selfless service in ministry.
During his stay in Nigeria Rev. John Lachana crisscrossed the entire nation on evangelism and ministry. From the south to the north, from the west to the east. Rev. Lachana appreciates Nigeria so much because this great nation made him what he is today and prepared him for world ministry. Ghana gave him life, Nigeria trained him spiritually and gave him hope, U.S.A. gave him opportunity.
In 1994, there was a special request of him and his boss and mentor to come to U.S.A. for ministry. It was exclusively an evangelistic trip the first of a 3-nation tour, U.S.A., Switzerland and the United Kingdom of Great Britain. By the grace of God and by popular request he was retained by people of New York to help in various Ministerial challenges for three churches whom he mentored and supervised in Brooklyn, Manhattan and The Bronx for the next six years.
During his tenure in New York within 1996-1998 he got involved in partnership with a Catholic Church in the heart of Harlem in ministering to HIV/AIDS patients. It was one of the most fulfilling experience in his life, he recounts. Around the same period pursued a Bachelor of Science in Theology degree.
In the year 2000 his wife Felicia Lachana joined him from Ghana after a long wait and a year later the word of the Lord came to John Lachana to go to Atlanta after completing his assignment in New York – acquiring a new church building and dedicating it to the glory of God.
Leaving New York was difficult after all the accomplishments but he believes God must always have His way in his life. After seeking for God’s confirmation which was revealed more than expected The Church of the Lord (Amazing Grace Center) was planted in the heart of Riverdale, Georgia, a non-denominational church where everybody is somebody. God has been more than faithful since then. And upon his obedience God blessed him and his wife Felicia with Princess Jessica.
John Lachana who prefer to be simply called Rev. Lachana despite all the titles and accolades he is qualified to bear is called to the office of Prophet and Pastor with an Apostolic Mantle. He and his wife have passion for Healthy Marriages, Elderly Care and actively involved in High Blood Pressure Monitor Drive where they receive monitors from friends and ship them to various countries in Africa to help reduce the risks of stroke and heart problems.
In the year 2003, after numerous persistent pressures, finally returned to Nigeria to receive an Honorary doctorate in Ministry.
Rev. Lachana and family resides in Fayetteville, Georgia and together by the grace of God enhance destinies and continue to invest in people. They continue to pastor this great church Amazing Grace Center, awesome membership where everyone is somebody and currently a new sanctuary plan is in place.
Rev. Lachana is also known for his passion for missionary work, notably the West Coast of Africa, South Africa, and India. He has traveled extensively to some of the remotest places in the world and encountered many challenges as far as the gospel is concerned. He believes he is a vessel in the hands of His maker ready expend and be expended.
Rev. Lachana is an inspirational author and also writes for the church bulletin “Thought for the week” every week.
He lives with a simple life code that no matter what in life God sovereign, He cannot fail and everybody is somebody.
The Church of the Lord Amazing Grace Center

Amazing Grace Convention Pictures
Grace Convention 2019 Video

Complete video

Our Project/ Events
A 3500 square feet building on 2270 Noah’s Ark Road sitting on a 5.5 acres of land in an exclusive neighborhood in the City of Jonesboro, Georgia. Hence our slogan: “Amazing Grace on Noah’s Ark” where everyone is somebody.
Through the highly committed membership and their labor of love, we are chosen to build God a house just as He chose Solomon, “Take heed now; for the LORD hath chosen thee to build an house for the sanctuary: be strong, and do it.” (1chronicles 28:10)
The budget for the sanctuary is $1.4million and we believe by the unity of the spirit what His word says, that the Lord will perfect that concerning His work and surely there is an end and our expectation shall not be cut off.

AGC Gallery

Grace Convention 2019

Rev. John Lachana -Pastor
First Lady Felicia Lachana – Special Assistant/Counselor/
Matron-Music & Choir Department
Bro. Femi Olukayode - Youth Minister & Bible Study Coordinator
Deaconess Ruth Oyathelemi - Organization/Advisory/Logistics
Bro. Obiakwe Osakwe - General Secretary/Administrator
Bro. Paul Bonomi- Men’s Leader
Sis. Rufina Noragbon - Women’s Leader
Sis. Julia Azubuike - Assistant Women’s Leader
Sis. Julia Azubuike – Prayer Warrior Ministry
Sis. Linda Iyahen - Financial Secretary
Sis. Oyinkan Olukayode & Sis. Tosin Fabiyi - Office Assisting Ministry
Bro. Femi Olukayode & Sis. Oyinkan Olukayode - Media Ministry
Bro. Paul Bonomi - Sunday Services & Victory Night Coordinator
Bro. Everist Ononye - Music Ministry
Sis. Gloria Poto - Choir Director
Bro. Ovie Poto– Usher/Greeter/Protocol Department
Ss. Onyikan Olukayode – Publicity/P.R.O. Department
Sis. Helen Audu - Hospitality
Sis. Ngozi Okpara – Holy Communion
Bro. Vivor Valley – Building Maintenance Ministry
Sis. Marcy Isibor - Sanctuary Maintenance
Bro. Foday Kanu - Custodian Ministry
Sis. Crystable Obashon - Children’s Ministry
Sis. Helen Edoimioya – Ministry of Helps
Sis. Elianne Djossou - Kitchen Care Ministry
Sis. Mablyn Jacobs - Pastors Care Ministry
Bro. Wesley Iyahen - Teens Ministry/Youth Ministry
Our Mission
Mission Statement
Our mission is to bring people to Jesus, to develop them through the teaching of Word in the power of the Holy Spirit, to equip and transform them to impact the world and glorify God.
Vision Statement
Our overall dream is to know The Lord Jesus Christ, to honor him and carry out His Great Commission, to make disciples of all nations on the earth and particularly Atlanta and its suburbs.
We love people and envision welcoming numerous members into our body who are excited about Christ, experience in their family relationships and marriages to grow together in love.
We envision a Church where people are warmly connected, always calling those from loneliness of isolation to the joy of relationships. We will strive to know, serve, encourage, challenge, and love one another, welcoming all people regardless of race, sex, or history into our Church family of Amazing Grace Center
At Amazing Grace Center, we envision to help people- Youth as well adults to discover their divine designs, so that they are equipped to serve Christ effectively in some ministry. Our aim is all know The Lord Jesus Christ and make him known.
It is our dream to welcome two thousand joy-filled members in our beautiful to be developed facility in the next five years.
We pursue to establish a sound biblically rooted assembly of believers where holiness and righteousness fills the air and fervent warm fellowship of brethren will have a strong hold attraction for the un-churched.
Core Values
There are certain durable values that are fundamental to what a ministry does. They are ministry defining and have everything to do with ministry’s distinctiveness. They distinguish a ministry from another. They not only inspire people to ministry, but they also enhance leadership as well shape the very character of a ministry. They are called Core values. Consequently, one cannot underestimate the importance of core values.
An organization or ministerial core value is defined as the constant, passionate, biblical core beliefs that drive the ministry.
Values sit in the driver’s seat of a ministry in a particular direction. Core values should be Bible based. And leaders are passionate about their core values. They move leaders into action, and they are infectious. That is why pastor’s core values affect members, because he is moved by it every day, and ,member can feel him when he is preaching or addressing the whole church. It is constant with him. It is also seen that way very organizationally. The ministry’s core values originates with the visionary. He discovers it. It may change over time and move the ministry in either way as well.
Our Core Values
We seek to teach God’s word with integrity and authority so the un-churched find Christ and believers mature in him. We give the word of God the highest priority of time and attention.
2. We are committed to remain culturally relevant without compromising biblical truth. We are committed to make the gospel contextually understandable to those in the culture while remaining faithful to Scriptures
3. We strive for relational centered community of believers. We stress lively relationships among brethren. We underscore fellowship of Christians as means for Christians to care for each other, develop friendships and share their lives.
4. We affirm family values and seek to provide an environment which strengthens marriage and families. We are devoted to strong youth and children.
5. We believe and stress that Christ followers should manifest authenticity and yearn for continuous personal growth. This includes concepts of pure individual character and authentic testimony of a changed life in Christ
6. We affirm excellence. We believe that excellence honors God and inspires people.
Our God is the best and deserves the best, having given us the best, His only begotten and sinless Son. He is of excellence; hence we cannot but offer Him the best.
7. We are committed to discipleship that is transformational
8. We are committed to helping people grow spiritually with provision of biblical instructions and opportunities to discover and exercise their God given gifts freely.
9. We are committed to consistent prayer life of members of the ministry. We believe and emphasize on the scriptural injunction for believers to pray without ceasing to God who answers prayer. We believe that all areas of church activities should be saturated with prayers.

The Church of the Lord (Amazing Grace Center)
The church began as a Prayer Fellowship known as Amazing Grace Prayer Fellowship with 7men and 3 women in the heart of Riverdale, Georgia in 2002. Incorporation as a church and Article 501© and a centralized location would follow in 2-3years.
We have come a long way from and through the valley of humility unto the mountain of victory and that’s why we celebrate our God in prayers and worship on Victory Night, the first Friday of every month. The Bible says, “But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD.” (Genesis 6:8). So from House to House Fellowship to a centralized fellowship Hall in a hotel for 3years we also found grace in the eyes of God and He led us to the place of our own where we could call home – A 3500 square feet building on 2270 Noah’s Ark Road sitting on a 5.5 acres of land in an exclusive neighborhood in the City of Jonesboro, Georgia. Hence our slogan: “Amazing Grace on Noah’s Ark” where everyone is somebody.
Through the highly committed membership and their labor of love, we are chosen to build God a house just as He chose Solomon, “Take heed now; for the LORD hath chosen thee to build an house for the sanctuary: be strong, and do it.” (1chronicles 28:10)
The budget for the sanctuary is $1.4million and we believe by the unity of the spirit what His word says, that the Lord will perfect that concerning His work and surely there is an end and our expectation shall not be cut off.
Amazing Grace as we are popularly called is a family church with a hunger for God and a heart compassion for souls. Our Lord Jesus is the source of our hope and every fibre of our being is dependent on Him. We are a lively multi-cultural church of different nations bound by one common goal, that all may be one through Jesus Christ.
A wonderful atmosphere of worship, prayer and a seasoned word awaits you in our worship times on Sundays, Wednesdays and Victory Night. We are glad to welcome you into midst and into our lives. Your expectation places a demand on the goodness of God, and enables you return home with all you come to receive. May God richly bless you.

Contact us
Weekly Service/ Activities
Sunday School 10.15am - 10.55am
Sunday Worship 10.55am-1.00pm
Wednesday Bible Study 7:00pm - 9:00pm
Prayer Warrior Meeting
Monday - Saturday 5:00am- 6:00am
Corporate Fasting Every Wednesday
Victory Night (First Fridays) 9:00pm - 12:00am
Amazing Grace Center
2270 Noak's Ark Road Jonesboro, GA 30236
Call: 770-210-1504, 770-634-6948, 770-716-8378, 646-239-6933